
Take Over Blender Preferences – Help Transition From Old Version To New Version

Blender 環境設定の引き継ぎ~旧バージョンから新バージョン移行のお供に

Blender 4.2 LTS was released in July 2024.

Blender is software that is upgraded rather often. While it is nice to see software become easier to use with new versions, it is not always the case.

It’s a bit of a pain to have to redo the preferences again every time a new version of Blender is released…

So, in this article, I would like to summarize how to carry over various settings from the previous version when Blender is upgraded.


This article corresponds to the long-term supported version Blender 4.2 LTS.


Blender settings can be carried over from older versions


Toha’s Blender has been customized in various ways to make it easy to use.


I thought it would be a bit of a hassle to redo all these settings, but Blender can take over the settings of the previous version of Blender.

Come to think of it, Maya can also take over the environment settings and may be a standard feature of 3DCG software.

Let’s take a look at how to transfer Blender settings.




Take over from Blender splash screen

– How to transfer settings

The first step is to take over from the splash screen that appears when you start Blender.

If you see “Import Blender x.x Preferences” in the splash screen, you can take over other versions of Blender settings from here.

Blender 4.2 スプラッシュ画面から設定引き継ぎできるとき

If you want to create a new preferences file without taking over, click “Save New Preferences”.


If there is no Blender settings file on the computer you are using, or if there is a settings file that is too old a version, these items will not appear on the splash screen.

Blender 4.2 スプラッシュ画面から引き継ぎできないとき


Once that version of the Blender settings file is created, either by taking over the settings or creating a new one, the splash screen will look something like this.

Blender 4.2 設定引き継ぎ後のスプラッシュ画面

I want to redo the settings transfer!

If this is the case, deleting the configuration file created will reset the settings and allow them to be reconfigured.


Incidentally, you can also set the Blender menu to Japanese from the splash screen, but when you set the Japanese from here, you should remember to ‘Uncheck new data’.

Blender スプラッシュ画面から日本語にするときは「新規データのチェックを外す」のを忘れずに

*For more information, please see Change Blender menu to Japanese.


When the splash screen does not appear…

From Edit->Preferences->Interface, check the “Splash Screen” checkbox to have the splash screen appear when Blender is launched.

Blender 3.3 スプラッシュ画面の表示/非表示


– How to reset settings

The following explanation is for the Windows environment, sorry for Mac users.


Blender configuration files are stored in the user folder of the computer you are using.

C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender

You will find folders named “2.93” and “3.3” in this folder. These are the configuration files; if you want to reset the settings for Blender 4.2, simply delete the “4.2” folder.

Blender 4.2 設定ファイルの保存場所


If you are afraid to delete the folder, you can rename the folder or move the folder to another location, which will reset the settings to the same state as if the folder had disappeared.

If you start Blender without the settings file, the settings transfer item will appear again on the splash screen.




Portable version (zip format) is taken over by copying the config folder


The Blender that Toha uses is a portable version (zip format).

My favorite add-on “Maya Config Addon For Blender”, is the zip format is more convenient to install, so he uses this format even though he does not carry Blender around.


As the name suggests, the portable version is a Blender that can be taken to another location with its entire environment setup.

You can make other versions of Blender settings take over by copying the settings files to the Blender folder where you unzipped the zip, rather than to the user folder on your computer.


It is quite easy to do, but

The portable version of Blender 4.2 requires the manual creation of a folder named “portable” before launching blender.exe!

If you start Blender before creating the portable folder, the configuration file will be automatically created in the following location where the installation version of Blender’s configuration file is saved.

C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender

If a configuration file is inadvertently created here after launching, it can be reset by deleting the folder.


Create the portable folder in the same location where blender.exe is located.

ポータブル版のBlender 4.2はportableフォルダを作ってそこに設定ファイルをコピーしていく

When you transfer settings from another version of Blender to the portable version of Blender 4.2, you basically copy the settings files, etc. into this portable folder.

Let’s take a look at how to do it in order.


– How to transfer settings

In the following explanations, the Blender version number will appear. Please read the numbers with the Blender version number you are using.


First, how to transfer the settings of portable version 3.3 to portable version 4.2.

Open the portable version of the Blender 3.3 folder and open the “3.3” folder inside.
If there is a “config” folder in the folder, this is the configuration file.

Open the zipped portable version of the Blender 4.2 folder and create a folder named ‘portable’ Inside the portable folder, copy the 3.3 ‘config’ folder by folder.

This completes the transfer of settings.

ポータブル版 Blender 4.2にポータブル版3.3のconfigフォルダをコピー


There may be no config folder in the portable Blender 3.3 folder.

In this case, the configuration file stored in the user folder of the computer is used, so this is copied.

C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender

Copy the config folder in the “3.3” folder here into the “portable” folder of the zipped portable version of Blender 4.2. This completes the transfer.

ポータブル版 Blender 4.2にパソコンユーザーフォルダ内の3.3configフォルダをコピー

If you want to transfer the settings of installer version 3.3 to portable version 4.2, just copy the config folder in the user folder of the PC in the same way.


CGWORLD.JP has an article on portable Blender settings transfer. The story about settings is in Q.13, but the rest of the article is interesting as well, so please take a look.


As noted in this article, the portable version has all Blender data together in a folder, so you can also copy over keymap and add-on data.

Starting with Blender 4.2, Blender now organizes each user’s configuration files in the portable folder.

The Blender 4.2 manual describes the installation of the portable version and states that “the portable folder stores will then store preferences, startup file, installed extensions and presets.”

However, presets can be complicated with folders in different places, so if you want to consolidate the user settings of the portable version of Blender 4.2 in the portable folder, try the following.

  1. Create a “scripts” folder in the “portable” folder.
  2. Move the presets in “4.2/scripts” of the portable version into the folder “portable/scripts”.


Now, keymaps and other settings can also be grouped in presets in the portables folder.

Also, if you want to transfer Blender add-ons from the previous version to 4.2, you can do so by copying the “addons” folder into “portable/scripts” in a nutshell.


Personally, I don’t recommend transferring add-ons to Blender 4.2!

Because, starting with Blender 4.2, add-ons that were previously called “standard add-ons” are now called “extensions,” and the location where they are saved has changed to the “extensions” folder.

Due to these reasons, simply copying and pasting the addons folder will not work to take over.

Many add-ons are updated according to the update from Blender 3.x series to 4.2, so I think it is safer to install them one by one even if it is a hassle to check them as well.


In the comments section, we received additional information about the transfer of FBX import/ I received additional information regarding the transfer of operator presets when using FBX import/export!

When exporting FBX, it is useful to create and save presets, but when you move to a new version, the presets are sometimes “Missing Paths”.

Blender FBXインポート/エクスポート オペレータープリセット

This can be fixed by copying the preset data in the following folder of the previous version to the folder of the same name in the new version.

[Operator preset storage location]

If you want to know a little more, please check the comments.


– How to reset settings

The portable version of Blender can be restored to its original state by deleting the config folder and other data that have been copied.

But rather than just erasing the copied data and putting it back in.
It is faster and more reliable to bring the entire original Blender folder.

If you duplicate the original portable version of Blender and leave it somewhere, you can always return to a fresh Blender.

The portable version does not install on a computer, making it easy to back up and copy data.




Taking over too many of the preferences can cause problems!


Now, this is a very convenient transfer of settings, but there are some things you should be aware of.

Carrying over preferences from a software version that is too old, or continuing to do so across several versions, can create unexpected problems.


As we have seen, the Blender settings transfer is simply copying the config data of the old version to the Blender folder of the new version.

When upgrading 3DCG software, there are many changes in internal data, and settings from the previous version may not work properly in the new version.

In such cases, data from old configuration files can affect the behavior of the 3DCG software.

When the 3DCG software you are using is behaving strangely for an unknown reason, deleting the preferences file and resetting it often fixes the problem.


It’s common in Maya, so little scary to take over…


When upgrading Blender, you can use the

  • A quick and easy way to take over and set up the environment is also good
  • Set up the environment again from the beginning with a new version is also good

I think.


Summary: Transferring settings is easy and good… but in moderation


This article summarizes how to transfer preferences when migrating from an older version of Blender to a newer version.

The easiest way to transfer settings from another version of Blender is to do so from the splash screen that appears when Blender is launched.

If you are using the portable (zipped) version of Blender, you can use the
Settings can be transferred by copying various data such as config to the zipped Blender folder.

In Blender 4.2, you can create a folder named ‘portable’ in the zipped Blender folder and copy various data such as config to it to take over the settings.


I would honestly like to use the same settings in any version of Blender.

It is easier and more convenient to take advantage of the settings transfer to save time and effort in setting up the environment.â

However, when 3DCG software is upgraded, it means that a lot of software has changed. Using the old settings as they are can cause problems.

I think it’s good to try to re-set up your environment with a new version once in a while and use the new Blender with a fresh and clean mind.


*If you want to try setting up your preferences again in the new version of Blender, please refer to this START Blender Series.

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