
POTOFU – Create Portfolios By Linking To SNS Such As Instagram!


On 2024.12.4, the service to link Instagram to POTOFU activities was terminated due to the end of Instagram’s current API provision…!

You can continue to use the YouTube and OFUSE activity integration~.


To all individual creators, do you have your portfolio website?

I have never had it before and this blog was my portfolio replacement.

But I found a service that looked a little better, so now we have a portfolio site for Toha! Here it is!


This time, the official release of this May 2021“POTOFU.” I will write about a service called

If you like hassle-free and simple, this is the service for you!



Sozi Corporation, the operator of POTOFU, interviewed me!


What kind of service is POTOFU?


What is POTOFU…


This service “neatly” and “automatically” consolidates posts to various SNS such as Instagram and YouTube into one page.


(From POTOFU official Twitter ↓)


The name “POTOFU” is derived from “Portfolio & Profile,” and if the activities of creators through various SNSs can become “a warm place where creators gather in one pot…


I love this concept already 🙂

POTOFU official page You can also check out an overview of the program here.


What can I do with POTOFU?


What you can do with POTOFU
  1. Have one page for your portfolio & profile introduction
  2. link list to Twitter, YouTube, etc. can be set on your pages.
  3. Posts to the linked SNS are added as Activitie on your page.


A bit more about linked list and activity. Let me explain.

What you can set in the link list
  • Default linkable platforms…Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Note, Nico Nico Douga, Pixiv, Novelist, Eplista, SoundCloud, Tumblr, BOOTH, and GitHub
  • Feel free to add any platform other than those listed above as a custom link.
  • Custom-added platform icon images can be set freely.
ActivitiesIn.What you can set up
  • YouTube and OFUSE posts can be linked to activities.
  • Linking/not linking various SNS can be toggled at any time.


Toha’s page is in the “Activity” section, the top part is the collection of links set in the link list, and the activities under Activity are the activities by the linked SNS postings.

POTOFU リンクリストとアクティビティ

You can set your page background in your favorite color or image and choose between normal and dark basic colors.

The items that can be set in the page customization will be added and improved in future updates.


In addition, one of the features of the officially released version of POTOFU is “additional features are released by friend invitation”.

The following five functions will be released as of May 2021.

POTOFU 解放される追加機能

POTOFU is currently a completely free service, and one of its goals is to have as many people as possible use it. That’s why you can add features by inviting friends.


Inviting friends is quite easy both for those who do it and those who receive invitations.

All you have to do is tell the person you want to invite your URL at the bottom of the function release page.

Just a quick postscript

POTOFU has been updated to remove the limit on the number of invitations!
Anyone can start POTOFU with an invitation from Toha at the URL in the following tweet – if you like 🙂



Since neither the invitee nor the recipient will be notified, it is safe to invite someone you don’t know, and the functionality will be released to both parties, so I think it is a good idea.




Try POTOFU in action


The following is a quick explanation of the process of actually using POTOFU.

To use POTOFU, register a new SoziID with your email address or log in with your Google, Facebook, or Twitter account.

Also, POTOFU can be registered and edited using only a smartphone, so you don’t have to have a computer to use it!


The process of POTOFU registration is as follows.


POTOFU is simple to set up, and you will understand it as soon as you register and touch it.

If you have any questions, we recommend that you first take a look at the FAQ page.

If you find any problems while using POTOFU, you can also quickly report them through the “POTOFU Suggestion Box”. (*Click the balloon mark in the lower right corner of the POTOFU settings page to open a small window.)





POTOFU Toha’s Recommendation

Now, as to why Toha is writing an article introducing POTOFU’s services…
Simply because Toha loves POTOFU so much.


What on earth is it that you like so much? Let me explain.

POTOFU Recommendations by Toha
  1. The design is simple and easy to read!
  2. SNS linkage will automatically add your work!
  3. Can compile links to various places!

I’ll explain a little bit in turn.


(1) The design is simple and easy to read!


In other words, I like it because of its appearance.


It is easy to view on both PCs and smartphones, and it is not too stylish with nothing unnecessary, which is a nice design for those who like simplicity.


By the way, you can set whatever you like for the thumbnail (the one shown in the link above) that appears when you share your profile page on Twitter, etc.

Since Toha wanted to put the POTOFU logo in the thumbnail, we asked the POTOFU official if we could use the logo.

They will also consider making the logo materials available for download from the official website. Thank you!


(2) SNS linkage will automatically add your work!


Great service for me!

POTOFU can be described as a portfolio site, but POTOFU itself has no place to upload your work. POTOFU is “automatically added” to the social networking sites with which it is linked.


Although I usually only use Twitter, it is difficult to find past posts on Twitter because they are lost in the stream. But if you link Twitter and POTOFU, past posts will remain on the POTOFU side.

Activities in Toha are linked to YouTube and OFUSE.

POTOFU アクティビティ設定

*Twitter and Instagram activity integration is no longer available due to the termination of API provision. Shame.


(3) Can compile links to various places!


The last one is this. You can put links to various platforms in one place!

It’s been almost two years since Toha became a sole proprietor… At first, we were only active on our blog and Twitter, but recently we’ve started to dabble in BOOTH and YouTube a little bit.

I don’t think you can understand those various activities unless they are all listed together somewhere.

Especially for those who know about Toha for the first time, it would be kind and easy to understand if there is a page that could easily introduce “this is what Toha is doing”.


POTOFU allows you to create just such a page.

This blog is also used as a record of Toha’s activities, but the blog is getting bigger and bigger with more and more posts, and the content is not something that can be grasped at a glance.

POTOFU was just the right service for Toha today.


POTOFU, a consolidation service – Try it!

So…POTOFU…are you getting a little interested in it?


I think there are many existing services out there for portfolio sites. There may be platforms that can do the same thing, just that Toha is unaware of them.

Everyone has their preferences for design and ease of use, so it is best to use a service that suits your needs.

But if you have read this article and found POTOFU to be new to you, or if you think it might be a good idea, please consider it as a service to use in the future.


As for Toha, we are very pleased with POTOFU and hope that it will continue as a service that will serve us for many years to come.

I would be happy if this article could support POTOFU in any way.



Try it!

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