
[Unity 6] How to update Unity as safely as possible!

【Unity 6】Unityのアップデートをなるべく安全にやる方法!

I have updated the game project I am working on from Unity 2022 to Unity 6!



The Unity version changed every year from 2022 to 2023, but the naming convention has also changed since Unity 6.

If not only the version number but also the naming scheme has changed… then updating to Unity 6 must not be a simple task…!


There are so many problems with this update, but now I have solved them and continue working on the game production in the Unity 6 project.

In this article, I would like to summarize the “How to update Unity as safely as possible” that I practice, so that we don’t forget about it in the future.


How to update your Unity version as safely as possible

Version changes for Unity projects can be made through the Unity Hub.

For minor updates, you can do it this way.



I will use a different method to update Unity 6 to make it “as safe as possible”.

The procedure is as follows. Let’s look at them in order.




1) Export all data from the original project to a package

First, open the Unity project you wish to update, select the Assets folder, and choose “Export Package” from the right-click menu.



After a short wait, a window will open to select the items to be exported.


The Assets folder also contains the data of assets purchased and installed in the Unity Asset Store. If there are assets that you do not need to take with you, you can exclude them from export here.

Once you have decided on the data you want to bring, press the export button and wait. It will take a long time.


When the package export is complete, you will have “xxx.unitypackage” data in the designated folder.


2) Create a new empty project in Unity 6

Next, create a new project in Unity 6.

If you have not yet installed Unity 6, go to the Unity Hub and install it from “Install”.


If you want another version of Unity, you can install it from Unity Hub.*If you want a version that cannot be installed from Unity Hub, you can install it via the official page).


Once Unity 6 is installed, click “New Project” from the Unity Hub.


Make sure the editor version is Unity 6 and create a new project by selecting the same render pipeline as the original project from the templates displayed.





3) Import all data packages into a new project

After opening a new project in Unity 6, go to the top menu “Assets”, select Import Package -> Custom Package, and import the package from the original project that you exported first.

Unity 6で新規作成したプロジェクトにパッケージをインポート

Importing packages takes a long time.

In the middle of the process, a pop-up window opens and asks if I want to update this. Watch over the import until it is finished.


Once all imports are done, the original project can be opened in Unity 6 for now!

In this case, I had some errors with some asset data during the import process, so I deleted the entire asset and was able to open the project for the time being.


4) Compare the new and old projects and match the settings

Once the original project can be opened in Unity 6, the first step is to match the various settings.

  • Build settings (Build profiles)
  • Project Settings
  • Environment settings


Open both the new and old versions of the Unity project and visually configure these settings one by one.

The “build target” in the build settings should be the first thing you do if you need to change it.



Even if all of the above settings are the same as in the original project, the scene may not look the same.

In my case, the range of shadows and color intensity of the shaders used was different in Unity6.


If the values are the same but the shaders look different, something has changed internally. So we changed the shader values and adjusted them so that they look almost the same as in the original Unity version.

The very best thing about this update method is that it leaves the original project intact, so it is easy to notice any changes in appearance and to compare and correct them.


5) Reinstall assets, etc. as needed


Finish up by re-installing assets, etc. in Unity 6.

Assets purchased from the Unity asset store, for example, may have been released with the latest version compatible with Unity 6, and installing these will often resolve the error.

If installing the latest version of an asset does not resolve the asset-derived error, I would wait until the asset is compatible with Unity 6 or consider an alternative asset.



Also, all necessary data from the original project should have been exported to the package, but in rare cases, some of the data is not included in the Assets folder and has not been brought over.

Check the error messages that you get when you play the game, etc., and re-install the missing items with Unity 6, and the errors will disappear and the game will run.


This completes the safe and secure Unity version update~!

(After this, Xcode build errors plagued me for a few more days…)




Summary: Safe to keep the project before changing the Unity version

What did you think of the safe and secure way to update Unity?

I happened to see this update procedure on Twitter earlier.


Until then, I had been updating existing projects directly from the Unity Hub, but I didn’t want to do that because it would cause unexpected problems and change the look and feel of the project.

But now that I know this method, I am more positive about updating Unity than before, partly because I can leave the project as it was before the Unity version change.


I also version control my projects on GitHub, but I don’t want to commit until I’m completely sure it’s working properly, so my changelog gets messed up…

That is why this update method was perfect for me!


It might be good.

If you think so, please give it a try!


Extra: Alternatives to assets that could not be used in Unity 6

As of January 2025, there were a few assets that were not available for my Unity 6 project.

Rainbow Folder 2 for easy viewing of projects

Q hierarchy to make it easier to see the scene hierarchy

I’m sure the paid assets will be compatible with Unity 6 soon, so there is a way to wait impatiently…




I decided to replace it with another asset of similar functionality! Here it is~

Hue Folders

Hierarchy Designer


What a surprise, both are free assets. I tried them out and they worked fine in Unity 6, so I decided to use these assets for now – it will look like this.

Hue Folders と Hierarchy Designer でUnity 6のプロジェクトを見やすく!

That’s good 🙂

These are the extras.

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