
Freelance health insurance – In Kansai, there is also Kyoto Artists’ National Health Insurance Association

フリーランスの健康保険 ~関西には京都芸術家国民健康保険組合ってのもある~
  • Notices


In April 2022, the Kyoto Artists’ National Health Insurance Association’s website seems to have been restored~!

It was renewed to be easier to see and understand than before, so please take a look at the official version.


One of the concerns of freelancers is insurance.

When I worked for a company, the insurance premiums were deducted from my salary, but as a freelancer, I have to pay the health insurance premiums myself.

And this one is quite expensive!

Freelance designers and individual game creators are equally concerned about the “insurance premiums are too high” problem.

One option to remedy this problem is to
If you are active in the Kansai region, we would like you to know about the Kyoto Artists’ National Health Insurance Association.

I would like to explain Kyoto Artists’ National Health Insurance, which TOHA is also a member of, its recommendations, and the process to enroll in the insurance program~.

We will also make a small comparison with the “National Health Insurance Association for the Arts and Letters,” which is often recommended as an insurance policy for individual creators.


Kyoto Artists’ National Health Insurance Association Recommendations!


Right off the bat, here’s what Toha thinks of Kyoto Artists’ National Health Insurance~.

  1. Easy to join if you are a creator living in an approved area in the Kansai region.
  2. Lower premiums than municipal national health insurance
  3. The people in the office are very nice

I will speak in turn.


(1) Easy to join if you are a creator living in an approved area in Kansai


The Kyoto Artists’ National Health Insurance Association is, as the name implies, a health insurance association for “private employers in the arts living in Kyoto.

However, you are eligible for membership outside of Kyoto if you live in any of the following approved areas in the Kansai region.

 Kyoto Artists’ National Health Insurance Society approved area
KyotoAll areas including Kyoto City
OsakaTakatsuki City, Ibaraki City, Hirakata City, Shimamoto Town, Osaka City, and
Minoh City, Toyonaka City, Katano City, Ikeda City, Suita City
NaraNara City, Ikoma City, Ikaruga Town, Ikoma County
ShigaOtsu City, Ritto City, Kusatsu City, Moriyama City, and
Omihachiman City, Koka City (former Shigaraki Town)
HyogoNishinomiya City, Amagasaki City, Kawanishi City, Kobe City, Itami City

I’m kind of glad that Nara is included in the list, since I’m a Nara person living in Kyoto.


Another condition for membership is whether the applicant is engaged in artistic work.
The following occupations are examples of those that fall under this category.

  • Performing Arts, Arts, Crafts, Traditional Crafts
  • Musicians (piano teachers, instrumentalists, sound, etc.)
  • Web Designer
  • Video production, cameraman
  • Announcer, host, sports commentator
  • Designer (commercial, clothing, etc.)
  • Copywriter, essayist, novelist
  • cartoonist
  • Lettering, tracing, display
  • Sculptor, leather bag making
  • art coordinator
  • Readings, translations (related to the arts), etc.


These are examples from the official website, but even positions not listed here may be approved or added if there is a new membership application.

Incidentally, the 3DCG artist at Tohawas readily accepted as a kind of graphic design type.

Note that exceptions are made for architectural design and industrial design-related positions, which are not eligible.


If you meet the above two conditions, (1) reside in an approved area in the Kansai region and (2) engage in art-related work, you are eligible to join the Kyoto Artists’ National Health Insurance Society.

There is a condition that you must be a member of an organization affiliated with the association, but if you are not a member of any organization, you can join the Kyoto Artists Association (admission fee: 500 yen), so it is a condition that may or may not be true.




(2) Lower premiums than the National Health Insurance of the municipalities


If the premiums weren’t cheap, it wouldn’t make sense to bother with them.

Premiums for Kyoto Artists’ National Health Insurance can be estimated on the official website. Check out the premiums by estimating them on this page~.


For your reference, in the case of TOHA, the monthly premium is about 5,000 yen less than the municipal national health insurance premium.

Premiums are a bit lower than those of the National Health Insurance, but the insurance benefits are almost the same as those of the National Health Insurance.

Kyoto Artists’ National Health Insurance Benefits
  • medical expenses
  • high-cost medical care insurance
  • medical expenses
  • overseas medical expenses
  • lump-sum childbirth allowance
  • Funeral and death benefits
  • transportation expenses


In addition, subsidies are also available for physical examinations and flu shots as part of health promotion programs.

Also, if you join the Kyoto Artists’ National Health Insurance Society, you will receive a bulletin once every three months, along with information on health checkups and so on. Also, near the end of the year, a calendar for the next fiscal year is sent to me, which is very useful.


(3) The people in the office are very kind


Third recommendation – the people in the office are very friendly – very helpful.

Inquiries to the Kyoto Artists’ National Health Insurance Association should be made by phone, as they do not have an e-mail address.

I would prefer to contact them by e-mail if at all possible, but what is not available is not an option.

Before I joined, I dared to call and inquire…the person in charge was very kind….

They were very thorough in telling me if 3DCG artist could join the program and all the necessary documents to join.


And to the Toha who didn’t know any better and wanted to join right away.

I think it’s a good idea to have them apply in August so they can join in October.

He even told me what a surprise it was.

After that, they called me to tell me that I had put the wrong stamp on my debit bank account, and they mailed me a form to correct the mistake…

I really appreciated your gentle support from start to finish, even though I had to go through a lot of trouble due to a mistake made by Tohas.


Therefore, the people at the Kyoto Artists’ National Health Insurance Association office are very kind.

If you are considering joining the program in a positive manner, and if you have any questions, please contact us and we will be happy to answer them – I’m sure we’ll be able to help you.




Which is better, the National Health Insurance Association for the Arts and Letters or the National Health Insurance Association for the Arts and Letters? A Comparison


Some of you may have heard of Bunbikokuho, or the Bunbikuho National Insurance Company.


Freelancers and individual creators often hear that it is beneficial for them to join this insurance plan instead of the municipal national health insurance plan, which is called the National Health Insurance Association for Arts and Letters, or Bunbi Koken Hoken Kyokai for short.

At first, I was wondering if it was a good deal to keep Bunbikoku, and I thought I would join.

However, this Bunmi National Insurance is not a good deal for everyone, and there are some caveats as follows.

Notes on National Health Insurance for the Arts and Letters
  • Premiums are rather high if income is low.
  • Membership requirements are quite cumbersome (membership in a union-affiliated organization is required).


The Bunmi National Health Insurance is unique in that its premiums are fixed and do not vary with income.

The premiums for municipal national health insurance and Kyoto Artists’ National Health Insurance vary depending on the amount of income, so the higher the income, the higher the premiums.

On the other hand, with Bunmi National Health Insurance, premiums remain the same even if income increases, as the premiums are fixed. This is the reason why it is said to be a good value.

However, even if income is low, the premiums remain the same, which means that the opposite is true.


The answer to the question of whether Bunmi National Health Insurance is more affordable, or whether Municipal National Health Insurance or Kyoto Artists National Health Insurance is more affordable, depends entirely on the person.

I think you should properly estimate and think about what it would be like for you and what it would be like for your family – I think you should think about it.


In addition, to enter the Bunmi National Insurance Any of the union’s affiliates However, there is a screening process, an annual membership fee, and other requirements to become a member of a member organization.

It’s also a bit difficult to find out if there is an organization you can join in the first place…


Toha chose Kyoto Artists’ National Insurance because it became too much of a hassle along the way, but I think there are actually a lot of freelance designers and individual creators who are in the Bunmi National Insurance program!


The table below summarizes the differences in enrollment conditions and premiums between the “Kyoto Artists’ National Health Insurance Association” and the “Literary and Art National Health Insurance Association.

Please use this as a reference when considering the purchase of these insurance policies~.

Kyoto Artists’ National Health Insurance AssociationNational Health Insurance Association for Arts and Literature
subscription requirement・I work in the arts.
interpoint (interword separation)Kansai Approved Areaswith an address in
interpoint (interword separation)Affiliationsor is a member of the
 Join Kyoto Artists Association
Engaged in fine arts and writing activities
Have a domicile in Japan
interpoint (interword separation)unionized associationYou are a member of one of the following
insurance premiumVaries depending on the amount of income
 →Estimated by the official website
Fixed amount regardless of income
 →Check the amount of the current premium here.
Other ExpensesSubscription fee: 3,000 yen
Admission fee for Kyoto Artists Association: 500 yen
 *If you are not a member of any organization 
Membership fees and annual dues to union affiliates
 *Depends on the organization you belong to.




How to join the Kyoto Artists’ National Health Insurance Association


From this point forward, I will explain what you should prepare and the process of joining the Kyoto Artists’ National Health Insurance Plan for those who are thinking about joining the plan. I will try to explain what you should prepare and the process of enrolling in the insurance for those who are thinking of doing so.

You can call them and they will tell you exactly what to expect, but I think it’s also a good idea to prepare yourself ahead of time.

Let’s go!


How to join the Kyoto Artists’ National Health Insurance Association
  • Things you should do in advance
    • Tax returns (writing clearly in the occupation column makes it easier later)
    • Kyoto Bank or Japan Post Bank, whichever you have a bank account with.
    • Keep a note of invoices, delivery receipts, etc. for art and design work.
      (Necessary if the occupation section of the tax return does not prove the occupation)

    If you are considering joining the Kyoto Artists’ National Health Insurance, it is recommended that you do these things in advance – and


  • Call us at least once (☎ 075-222-1377)

    You can call the office and let them know you are considering joining the program and check with them about any questions you may have and what documents you will need. They will also let you know when you should visit the office.


  • Go to the office to apply with the necessary documents.

    The union office is small, so you may be intimidated, but if you say, “I’m here for an application from a previous phone inquiry,” the process will go smoothly.

    Main documents required for application
    • Health insurance card of the person to be enrolled
    • Resident tax notice or taxation certificate (to confirm income)
    • Copy of tax return B and breakdown sheet (to confirm job type)
    • Certificate of residence within the last 3 months (for all household members, with my number)
    • Kyoto Bank or Yucho Bank bankbook & personal seal (for premium debit)
    • unofficial and unregistered personal seal
    • Photo identification
    • Invoices or other documents that show the nature of your work (for confirmation if you cannot determine your occupation from the occupation section of your tax return alone).


  • After application, wait for the results of the review to be mailed to you.

    Applications are reviewed the following month.
    If there were no problems at the time of application, the application will generally be approved. If the position is difficult to determine, it is expected that the company will consider whether to approve it at this time~.

    The results of the review will be sent to you by mail. Do not throw it away as you will need it later.



  • Go to the union office again to receive your insurance card.

    Take the enrollment approval notice and the necessary items written on the notice to the office. Here you will receive an insurance card from the Kyoto Artists’ National Health Insurance Association~.
    If all goes well, you will receive your insurance card two months after the month of application.


  • When you receive your Kyoto Artists’ National Health Insurance card, go return your previous insurance card.

    You need to go to the cancellation procedure for your previous insurance by yourself. If you were on the municipal national health insurance, go to the municipal office and don’t forget to go through the process!


That’s all there is to it.

Please also check the official website for information on what is required for the subscription procedure and the procedure to follow.




Summary: Individual creators living in the Kansai region may want to consider this.


Some of you may have never heard of the Kyoto Artists’ National Health Insurance Association before reading this article.

Although this information is local to the Kansai region only, it should be good to know if you are an individual creator living in the Kansai region or thinking about working in the Kansai region in the future.

As for TOHA, I think the Kyoto Artists’ National Insurance is quite a good insurance policy if you live in the Kansai area, so please just check out the recommendations ^^^.



Which is more economical, the Kyoto Artists’ National Health Insurance or the rumored Bunmi National Health Insurance?

This really varies from person to person, so please do your own research and make your own decision!

Even if the insurance is a good deal now, it may not be a good deal in a few years as circumstances change.

When you become a sole proprietor, you have to be flexible!


By the way.

Do other prefectures have their own insurance associations like the Kyoto Artists’ National Health Insurance? I was curious, so I looked into it, and found about four that might apply to the creator industry.

  • National Health Insurance Association for Arts and Literature
  • Tokyo Gigei National Health Insurance Association
  • Kyoto Artists’ National Health Insurance Association
  • Osaka Cultural and Performing Arts National Health Insurance Association

(*National Health Insurance Associations throughout Japan are This wiki page You can check most of them at)

There wasn’t much, but if you’re interested in other health insurance associations, check them out.


*Although different from health insurance, there is also a guaranteed service called Freelance that is recommended for freelancers. Please read this article to learn more about how it works and what it is like to use it.


Extra: Why do I have to pay premiums?


If I don’t get National Health Insurance, don’t I have to pay the whole premium?

Who has ever wondered what it’s like?


But this cannot be done.

The reason for this is that Japan has a system of universal health insurance – the

Public medical insurance is one of the social insurance systems (medical insurance, pension insurance, workers’ accident compensation insurance, unemployment insurance, and long-term care insurance) and is an insurance system that provides coverage in case of illness, injury, hospitalization, and other emergencies. In Japan, all citizens are required to join this public medical insurance system.Universal Health Insurance SystemIt is called

About the public medical insurance (universal health insurance) system Mie Medical Association


Those who work for a company are automatically covered by the company’s social insurance, and the premiums are deducted from their wages. (Family members may also be covered by the company’s social insurance.)

Those who are self-employed or sole proprietors must purchase their own alternative public medical insurance (e.g., municipal national health insurance or Bunmi National Health Insurance) because they do not have company insurance.

For example, when an individual goes to the hospital or dentist, as a rule, only 30% of the medical costs are paid by the individual if he or she presents his or her insurance card. The remaining 70% is paid from the insurance premiums paid by everyone else.

These were the benefits of the universal health care system.


So, you have to pay the premiums properly – and you have to pay the premiums properly.

However, if the high insurance premiums make life difficult, it’s a complete disaster, so we should be smart about how we manage our premiums by using available exemptions and keeping premiums as low as possible…!


That’s all for now~

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