
3D Model Character Lopo-san Series Now On Sale! – For Game Production and Modeling Practice


Toha’s store in BOOTH is now selling the low-poly character model “Lopo-san series”!


In this article, I will explain how to utilize the Lopo-san series. If you are interested in Lopo-san as material for game production or as a character model for study, please read on!

The author Toha will also talk a little about his thoughts on the Lopo-san series and the secret story behind the creation of Lopo-san.



Lopo-san is “Low-poly, Light, Simple” Character Model


Lopo-san model is a series produced under the motto of “low-poly, lightweight, and simple”.

Aiming at character model materials that are easy to use in mobile games, etc., this 3D model has a moderate polygon count and simple textures and is recommended for those who want to start learning and practicing character modeling.


You can also check out Lopo-san moving on Vimeo.


Although Lopo’s model is cute as it is, it was created as a “material model”.

Therefore, we have not done much work on the faces. We hope that you will customize the face to your liking.

Lopo-san all have a great “Lopo-san face” 🙂

The face is intentionally simple and distinctive.

I am thinking that if I could just have the texture of this Lopo-esque face redrawn by myself, it would make it look less Lopo-esque and more original.

For example, like this.

ロポさん 顔のテクスチャ変更サンプル


In addition to changing the texture, you can also create various expressions by making the eyes and mouth movable.

Lopo’s goal is to make the model “moveable even with the smallest components,” so there are no bones in the costume or hair to make it sway. However, if you modify them yourself, the model will become richer and richer.

It can be used as-is, but there is a lot of room for customization.

The Lopo-san series is such a character model material.


Lopo-san wants to make a good material model that is easy to use for as many people as possible, so we are thinking a lot about how to make it.

And one of the things we came up with was the “Spread Lopo-san’s Circle” plan!


Widening Lopo’s Circle! I wish this would happen – the ideal cycle!

Lopo-san’s circle plan is a plan to increase the number of Lopo-san users through a synergistic effect, with benefits for each seller and buyer.

This diagram is the ideal cycle for the Lopo-san series, as envisioned by Toha!


If Lopo’s circle goes round and round in a good way, the people who make it are happy, the people who use it are happy, everyone is happy, and there is a bright future! (It should be…)

This is the reason why Lopo’s rules of use include the statement, “If the model is compatible with Lopo’s body, production, distribution, and sales are OK.


We are open to having Lopo-san’s costumes made as practice or as Lopo-san-compatible models.

For those who want to use Lopo-san as a material for game production, etc., the more variations of costumes and hairstyles, the better.

Let me explain a little more.


If you want to use Lopo-san’s model as game material…


I believe that people who want 3D character models that can be used in games are looking for something like this.

  • Low poly, lightweight, and could be used for mobile games.
  • There are many variations of models, including costumes and hairstyles~.
  • All sorts of variations, but with a uniform look and feel!


As a person who wants to make games himself, I think (on my own) that what I want from a game material model is what others are looking for as well.

Especially in the case of RPGs, it is not often the case that there is only one character in the game.

So even if you have a very good character model, it is difficult to use it if there is only one type.

If I’m going to have a party for an adventure, I want there to be multiple characters with different looks. But I don’t want them to look so different that they look like they live in different worlds…


That’s where Lopo-san’s circle comes in!

It is quite a challenge to make many variations of the model by Toha alone, but if anyone else is interested in making costumes based on Lopo’s body model…

Even if there are various costume designs, texture drawings, and hairstyles, as long as the point of “Lopo-san’s body can be worn” is not missed, a certain degree of unity can be maintained. I believe that this is a good idea.

If you do that, Character model materials with a wide variety of variations and a rather uniform look and feel. I dream that Lopo’s usability will become better and better.


If the ease of use improves, more people may want to use models related to Lopo-san.

If the number of users increases, I believe it will be beneficial to the creators.


– If you want to practice or study character modeling with Lopo-san’s model…


I previously surveyed the low-poly character model and the results were as follows.

I have the impression that many of the comments and other comments received individually also indicated that they wanted it for study purposes.

Hmmm… I see~.

But don’t you want to make models not only for practice, but also for study and practice, and when they are finished/when they are done well, don’t you want someone to look at them?

It would be fun to wear it as your avatar and have your friends see it in VRC.

But for example, # Lopo-san soil that people will see if you post with his tag”, I think that would be fun to have.

At least the Toha is fun and I’m going to see a lot of it 🙂


そAlso, there are times when you want to make a character model for practice, but you don’t know what kind of model to make, so you don’t have the motivation to make it, and you don’t want to make any progress.

In such a case, I was thinking that if there is some external “trigger” or “motivation”, it may lead to motivation. For example…

  • Make an avatar for yourself with Lopo-san body and post it on Twitter with # Lopo.
  • I’ll make it my goal to have Lopo’s Christmas outfit made and out by Christmas.
  • Think of a related model that Lopo’s users might want and try to make and sell.

Like. (Not even effective if no one is interested in Lopo-san…)

Toha also made Zombie Lopo-san for Halloween 2020 too.


Some people will be more motivated if they have clear goals than if they have no set goals and are free to create them.

If you can’t think of anything you want to make, how about making a costume for Lopo-san to try?

This is also a little suggestion from Toha 🙂

It is a pleasure for Toha to see more variations of Lopo-san compatible models, as it expand Lopo-san’s circle~!



– The expansion of Lopo-san’s circle will, of course, benefit Toha too


The president of the company I used to work for had this to say.

“The Business is that can offer mutual benefits, and that’s what honest business is all about”


Toha does not produce the Lopo-san series as a hobby or side project. This is my core business.

So I have thought a lot about it, aiming for what the president calls “an honest business.

If the Lopo-san’s circle continues to expand, the number of users of the Lopo-san series increases, and if many Lopo-san body models and other items are sold, then Toha will be able to build a foundation for its daily life.




I don’t think it’s going to work out that easily~.

I need to take various measures to realize a one-person 3DCG lifestyle.



If you think it looks interesting you may want to use it

I hope you will purchase a Lopo-san series model! 🙂



(I have also created a page for support.)


Lopo-san Model is Now Available on BOOTH and CGTrader!


Mr. Lopo’s series is available at BOOTH store “Toha’s store” and CGTrader.

CGTrader is an overseas platform for selling 3D models, and the descriptions, etc. are in English. We have also included wireframe images of the models here if you would like to take a look~.

CGTrader sells each Lopo as an individual character model. Although nobody model is included, you can purchase only the Lopo you want with pinpoint accuracy.

When using CGTrader, please also check the terms of use set forth by CGTrader.


At BOOTH, we sell low-poly body parts, costumes, and wigs individually, so you can create your own favorite combination, or get just the body parts and make your own original costumes.


There is also a full set pack that includes everything plus extras.


That’s all for now, Lopo-san series of angry sales promotions!


Please stop by if you like, as the store has a wide selection of goods that are fun to look at. And, if you are interested in

If you see someone looking for a low-poly character model, tell them about Lopo-san!


Extra: Lopo-san’s Production Secrets

“I would like to buy the model of Secchan. I would like to use it for my game production.”

This comment on our blog post, Character Modeling from Scratch, was the catalyst for Lopo-san model.

ExplanationSecchan’s model was created for Toha to explain modeling, without considering versatility or ease of movement, so we declined at the time.

But I don’t know if there’s a demand for that kind of thing – it would be nice to have character model material that’s easy to put into a game.


I had been thinking about it for a long time. Then one day, I had a chance to do it in earnest, and I started to make the Lopo-san series.

This is May 2020, so it took us about 5 months from the time we had the idea to start making the product to the time we were ready to sell it.

I don’t know if it’s long or short, but I did my best to make a 3D model that I can recommend with confidence – it’s also the first product content that Toha has released to the world as a personal creator!


Incidentally, Lopo’s costumes, etc., are produced with hand-drawn rough designs like this.

ロポさん ラフデザイン

The detailed decoration is done while modeling, while coloring is decided during texture creation.

I had a few others painted, but ran out of time to make them! I may make some new items and put them out again when I get around to it.


I’ve put a template of Lopo’s body here, so you can freely use it if you want to design Lopo’s costume, etc.

ロポさん デザイン用テンプレートA
ロポさん デザイン用テンプレートB



Enjoy the Lopo-san series!

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