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Blender 3.3

Blender - Telephone Model Creation in 10 Steps

This article is a summary of the video series "Phone Models in 10 Steps" uploaded on YouTube...
Blender 3.3

Mixamo To Blender Rig - A Complete Guide

Mixamo is a web service that provides 3D character models and animations of the models. It is operated by Adobe and is free for anyone with an Adobe ID. And Mixamo animations ...
Blender 3.3

Blender vs Maya ! Comparison of 2 Softwares By Game Character Modeler

Currently, Toha uses Maya for corporate game projects and Blender for personal 3D model creation. This time, I wrote an article that I could write only because I am sure that I am such a Toha. The title of the article is... The comparison between Blender and Maya...
Blender 3.3

Bake In Blender - Gradients With Textures

I want to bake a gradient color into a texture in Blender! So here is a summary of the procedure for baking gradients in Blender. Gradients drawn on a different texture can be baked into a production UV texti...
Blender 3.3

UV Unwrap In Blender - How To Manually Unwrap UVs

I want to do UV development in Blender. I want to open them the way I want and arrange them nicely. That's all I want to do... but I don't know how to do it! When I first started working with Blender's UVs, especially coming from Maya to Blender...
Blender 3.3

Blender Videos Summary - Making it Easy and Beautiful

We have received several comments on this blog asking for a video explanation of Blender. I was not going to do a video because I am not good at talking, but... for some reason, I decided to do a short Blender video...
Blender 3.3

Bake In Blender - Matcap To Texture

I want to bake a MatCap (matte cap) into a texture in Blender! So, here is a summary of the procedure for baking MatCap in Blender. I'll try to be as brief as possible~ Preparation Matcap b...
Blender 3.3

Bake In Blender - Ambient Occlusion (AO)

I want to bake ambient occlusion into a texture in Blender! So, here is a summary of the procedure for AO baking in Blender. I'll try to keep it as brief as possible~ Preparation
Blender 3.3

Blender Modeling [Addendum] - Improve Efficiency By Using Shortcuts & Add-ons

I have written about the basics of modeling in Blender in two articles, "Modeling in Blender (Practical)" and "Knowledge". However, if you want to start modeling in earnest using Blender...
Blender 3.3

Take Over Blender Preferences - Help Transition From Old Version To New Version

Blender 3.3 LTS was released in September 2022 ~ Blender is a software that is upgraded rather often. It is a pleasure to see the software become more user-friendly with each upgrade, but...
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