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Indie Game Creation

[Unity 6] How to update Unity as safely as possible!

I have updated the game project I am working on from Unity 2022 to Unity 6!The Unity version changed...
Blender 4.2

Blender – Telephone Model Creation in 10 Steps

This article is a summary of a video series on YouTube.Telephone Model Creation in 10 StepsThe 10 st...
Blender 4.2

Mixamo To Blender Rig – A Complete Guide

Mixamois a web service that provides 3D character models and animation of the models.It is operated ...
Blender 4.2

Blender vs Maya! Comparison of 2 Softwares By Game Character Modeler

Currently, I use Maya for corporate game projects and Blender for personal 3D modeling.This time, I ...
3DCG Artist

START Sketchfab! – How To Make Toon 3D Models with Sketchfab

There are now many different options for platforms where 3DCG artists can upload their creations, an...
Indie Game Creation

Writing App Nola – Also Useful For Creating Game Plots And Setting Documents!

The production of indie games in Toha is being carried out modestly.I would like to introduce a tool...
3D Model Creation

Hair Modeling – Anime Hair is Difficult (Video Summary)

I just thought of something and uploaded a new video series to YouTube!This article will summarize a...
Indie Game Creation

HDD to SSD replacement for an ultra-comfortable computer! Easy System Clone Migration

I recently replaced the hard drive on my computer with an SSD.My computer is now running faster and ...
Indie Game Creation

Lopo-san Maker! – 3D Model Maker Online for Avatar or Game

November 24, 2021, "Lopo-san Maker" Released!Lopo-san Maker is a 3D character model maker that can b...
Blender 4.2

Bake In Blender – Gradients With Textures

I want to bake a gradient color into a texture in Blender!So, here is a summary of the procedure for...
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