
Hair Modeling – Anime Hair is Difficult (Video Summary)


I just thought of something and uploaded a new video series to YouTube!
This article will summarize and summarize the commentary discussed in each video.

The title of the video is “Short Hair Modeling is Difficult” 🙂

This will be a series where I will include explanations while modeling spiky hair, which I believe is different and more difficult than long hair.

So, I modeled the Fushiguro Megumi-like hair from the anime version of Jujutsu Kaisen – here’s the finished product. ↓


The video in the article uses the long-term supported version Blender 2.93 LTS.


Super Digest Video

A total of 20 hours of modeling in one and a half hours of video Super Digest Version!

I did my best to edit it – I don’t think this will help you create spiky hair… but I hope you’ll see what I mean.


Videos With Modeling Explanations

There is no modeling explanation in the digest video, so I explained and supplemented it in each video.


Explanation 1: Create a rough silhouette

First of all, here is the first explanatory video 1.

In the video, we concentrate on creating a rough overall silhouette.

In the commentary in the video, the

  • This is not a tutorial video, so please see the blog post for instructions.
  • Why don’t use sphere objects for hair-based semicircles?
  • About making the face and bangs first to get an idea of the character.
  • It is dangerous to mix up the intended use of the 3D model you are creating. (for games, for video, etc.)
  • What I like about the polygon extrusion method of making hair.

I speak of something like this.


Explanation 2: Make sure there is a cone from every angle

Explanatory Video 2 has been uploaded.

In this video, while considering the flow of the hair, I made it so that the cone is visible from all angles.

In the commentary in the video, the

  • You should make sure you’ve thought about the flow of your hair, taking into account textures and shading.
  • Asymmetrical hair is difficult to adjust to look good at both right & left oblique angles.
  • If a character has a figure out there, a picture of the figure is a pretty good reference.
  • Maybe you shouldn’t start out with beautifully curved hair right off the bat…
  • It is common for the same character to have different hair styles in different paintings.

I am talking about something like that. Many of the stories may have come from my work experience.


Explanation 3: Curve the hair while adjusting the flow of the hair and putting curves in the hair

Explanatory Video 3 has been uploaded.

In this video, I slightly curved the hair to get the image and modified the flow of the hair to look natural, etc.

In the commentary in the video…

  • It is important to imagine the complete character as you create it.
  • About hair modeling, which I think is one of the most difficult aspects of character modeling.
  • There are two kinds of things you need to make a good 3DCG.
  • Face and hand mesh can be diverted, but hair mesh is almost impossible to divert.
  • How to use 3DCG software” and “how to make 3D models” are two different things, so both are necessary.

It’s hard to talk for half an hour 🙂


Explanation 4: Silhouette and balance adjustment in low-poly state

Explanatory Video 4 is up!

In this video, the overall silhouette and balance will be set in a low-poly.

In the commentary in the video…

  • A little trick to make a silhouette look like a 2D illustration
  • A tousled haircut is neither too many nor too few tousles.
  • Impossible to get a perfect match between the 3D model and the 2D illustration at all angles
  • I want to reproduce the “image” of the original 2D illustration of a character in a 3D model.
  • You can find a lot of material images on the Internet, but I’d be careful about copyright.

I’m talking about something like this. Would like to do our best to reproduce the original illustration in 3D for existing characters.


Explanation 5-8: Hair on the collar and fringe is also made in detail

Explanatory Videos 5-8 have been uploaded – 4 videos will be edited into a 30 minute video from this time.

In this video,

  • Even the parts of the hair that don’t have tousled hair create hair tuft-like uneven detailing on the surface.
  • I’d add some minor tweaks so as not to destroy the overall silhouette.
  • While creating the hair on the collar, the face object is in the way, so it can be displayed in the wireframe.
  • The hair tufts were modified in detail to make the fringe more like an animated picture.
  • The polygons are added from the tassels around the bangs to create smooth curves.

I am doing quite a variety of things. It’s the equivalent of four recordings, so progress has been fast 🙂


Explanation 9-12: Subdivision of hair polygons

Explanatory Videos 9-12 have been uploaded!

In the comments on the video,

  • It’s hard to manually smooth all the curves, so I used the EdgeFlow add-on to create a smooth curve.
  • LoopTools and SculptBrush’s Relax function are also available for adjusting vertex rattling.
  • Demonstration of moving vertices to change the diagonal view without changing the front view
  • Why modeling with hard edges all the way to model completion?
  • I use the same shortcut [F] as Maya for the function to focus on a selection.

Talked about something like. I’m just working on the polygons to smooth curves for the hair.


Explanation 13-16: Polygonal connections and flow (topology) are also arranged

Explanatory Videos 13-16 are now up!

In the explanation of the video,

  • The flow of polygons that were rattling around to complete the model is being cleaned up.
  • The cone of tousled hair is difficult to make a clean curve from any angle.
  • Subtle positioning of the vertices may not mean much in terms of modeling, but it will be useful for weights later on.
  • About using “Redo” and “Undo” to see the amount of change after a vertex is moved.
  • In many cases, topology is “pushed to the limit, and when it’s built, it eventually comes out clean.”

Talked about such things as. I talk about a lot of things in this video series.


Explanation 17~20:Smooth & texture & material application to complete!

The last Explanatory video 17-20 has been uploaded!

In this video,

  • I’m talking about the tousled look of the silhouette, not just at the ends, but also in the valley between the hairs and the roots of the hairs.
  • The speed of modeling in Toha is probably normal or a little bit slow.
  • The backward tousled hair coming upward from the collar is connected well with the hair on the collar.
  • We’ll also clean up the polygons behind the hair object that we’ve been neglecting.
  • Apply smoothing, textures, and materials, display Eevee, and you’re done!

The following is a summary of the process to complete the animated version of the Fushiguro Megumi-like hair model.

So this video series is finally complete, thanks for all your hard work!


Extra: YouTube is updated on a whim, but we’ll keep you posted

I was going to model the hair of another short-haired character, but I’m tired, so I’m going to take a break.

The posting of videos on Toha Channel is done on Toha’s whim, and we have no idea when or what kind of video will be uploaded next.

But I may update this page occasionally when I feel like it, so please subscribe to my channel if you like.


That concludes the 9 videos in this “Short Hair Modeling is Difficult – Fushiguro Megumi-like Hair in Anime of Jujutsu Kaisen” series! Thank you very much to those who watched until the end.

I think that the commentary in the video may be more useful than the video itself, so please take a look at the commentary summary in this article and see what you are interested in!


See you again in a new video series.

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